Why Adopt WSA?
The first step on your WSA journey is to research and understand the Whole School Approach, and here you are! This is a big step towards mental wellbeing for your pupils, parents, carers and staff...

Recommended by NICE

Improve Academic Achievement

Increase Engagement

Improve Attendance

Culture Shift for Positive Change

Required by Ofsted

Happier, More Confident & Resilient CYP

Reduction in Challenging Behaviour

Improved Staff Wellbeing & Retention

The Whole School Approach is identified as a protective factor for good mental health by the Department of Education

Resilient CYP
Good mental health leads to improved attainment, attendance, reduced challenging behaviour, and happier, more confident, resilient children and young people (9).
Early intervention to identify issues and provide effective support is crucial. Your school plays an important role in supporting and promoting mental health and wellbeing, this can be summarised in the following four points...
1. Prevent
Creating a safe and calm environment where mental health problems are less likely, improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole school population, and equipping pupils and students to be resilient so that they can manage the normal stress of life effectively.
Schools are now expected to teach pupils and students about mental wellbeing through the curriculum and to reinforce this teaching through school activities and ethos.
2. Identify
Recognising emerging issues as early and accurately as possible.
3. Support
Helping pupils and students to access evidence-informed early support and interventions.
4. Access
Working effectively with external agencies to provide swift access or referrals to specialist support and treatment.